Riim Lagerwerf

Riim has explored and practised different forms of Hatha Yoga since 2010 but keeps coming back to the dynamic practice of Astanga Yoga in combination with restorative practices. She loves introducing students to a balance of dynamic and more static yoga practice in combination with breathing work and meditation.
Because of her background in Ayurveda, Riim teaches her students to practice Yoga in a way that will support their constitution. She will incorporate in her classes how we can treat ourselves with love and compassion as well as our environment; and that Yoga is more than just practising postures.
When you take Riim’s classes you will experience both passion and warmth of the element fire but also the calming and grounding quality of earth and water.
Regina Nemeth

As a Yoga teacher and Holistic Health Coach she is passionate about guiding people to connect with their body, mind and spirit and heal their relationship with food, body and soul; leading her students finding their balance and peace of mind. Gymnastics, dance and music have been part of her life since very early age. After graduating as an architect, she has also become a sport instructor and Pilates teacher.
In 2010 she spent 3 months in India and there and after she become more and more involved with Yoga, which gives her joy, calmness, confidence, and self realization. Two years later- back in India- she completed her 200 hrs Yoga Teacher Training with Dr. Sushil, Thai Yoga Massage Course and 2 levels of Reiki method of Natural Healing. She attended the Vipassana meditation course of S.N. Goenka first time in 2013. These meditations lead her to a deeper understanding and re-connection with her true being. She continued her yoga studies with Yin Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher trainings.
During her own pregnancy she completed the Birthlight Perinatal and -after birth-, the Postnatal Yoga Teacher Trainings with Kirsteen Ruffell. Regina enjoys very much helping women- in this very special period of their lives -into strength, relaxation and acceptance.Regina learned to see life as an exciting journey and in each of life’s challenges find the teaching and the way of growing.
Check out her website: http://regineration.com/